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The FREE Paddi Pages
Paddi Pages Paddi's bi-monthly 3-minute e-zine will step you through Paddi's intriguing insights to business.

Paddi's books are available Only By Referral!

Fletcher Potanin
Publisher of
Solutions Press

Dear Interested Reader,

Paddi's books and publications are a little hard to find. You will only see them in a few specialty bookshops around the world. Most people can only purchase the book direct from this website on the referral current readers - and we get a lot of attention that way!

Paddi's business really is, as one business expert describes it, "The most unusual business on the planet". Paddi runs a 'By Invitation Only' dental business, and so he has asked that his books be distributed in a similar way.

So if you decide to buy Paddi's publications from us, and you enjoy the story, we'll ask you to help us trumpet Paddi's story to the world - it really is a message that anyone struggling in a service business should read.

We have made some tools to make that easy, and if you do agree to help us share this wonderful business story, we promise we'll do our utmost to ensure that those whom you refer are happy with our service and grateful to you for the experience.

Thanks again for visiting our site to learn more about Paddi's story.

Don't forget to sign up for the Paddi Pages. It's a great way to learn about the essential parts of Paddi's story ... and how his business could possible exist let alone thrive!

Kind regards,


Fletcher Potanin
Solutions Press