Rest Easy with Our 2-Way Guarantee!

We understand that if you enjoy your experience with us, you will recommend us to your friends, we will continue to grow and prosper, and we can feel proud that we have helped you to achieve greater success in your business.
In that regard, we also understand that at times you might be unsure whether Paddi's publications will really help you, will be of good value, or whether we will live up to our commitments to you. In return for your trust in us, we would like to offer you this guarantee of your purchase...
The Solutions Press Two-Way Guarantee...
If you feel that you do not have value in any of the publications you purchase from us -- and you're the judge -- please tell us how much you want us to refund to you. We agree to do as you ask immediately. You will not have to return anything first.
Conversely, (and this is the second part) should you feel you have received more value than you have paid, we are happy for you to make a further payment to us, and we agree to accept it with gratitude!
Since 1996, we have had only one person ask for their money back (only half their money, actually) which we did immediately. On the other hand, we receive very nice gifts and cards from our customers all the time. So we're very happy with the second part of our guarantee and hope you find the first part reassuring.
If you need more help or information please contact us.