Art Gallery
Original Artwork from the Walls of Patrick Lund Dental Happiness
Paddi receives great pleasure from making his office environment more like a home than a business. One of the ways he has done that is to commission original paintings to hang in his building.
Paddi asked that some of these be displayed here for his personal pleasure, and so that you may come to know more about who he is by the art he has chosen.
And indeed, this represents one of Paddi's greatest hopes for you ... that you may build a business that is congruent with who YOU are, not one that is modelled on another person, like Paddi. So when you look around your work environment, display and decorate in a way that makes you happy and tells people who you are.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, the artist is Elizabeth Lund ... Paddi's extraordinary mother who passed away only recently at more than 90 years of age!
(Click on each of the images below for a larger version.)
"The Languid Wysteria" by Elizabeth Lund
"A Window to My World" by Elizabeth Lund
"An Afternoon's Work" by Elizabeth Lund
"Nowhere Land Comes Alive" by Elizabeth Lund
"The Markets in Springtime" by Elizabeth Lund